WashU faculty named to psychologist society

Julie Bugg and Leonard Green.
Bugg (left) and Green

Two Washington University in St. Louis faculty members have been named fellows of the Society of Experimental Psychologists (SEP). Julie Bugg and Leonard Green, both professors of psychological and brain sciences in Arts & Sciences, were among the eight fellows named by the SEP this year.

This brings the total number of Washington University faculty members in SEP to 10, out of the 281 members. The Society of Experimental Psychologists was established in 1904 “to advance psychology by arranging informal conferences on experimental psychology,” according to its website. The SEP includes experts in experimental, cognitive, perceptual, behavioral, developmental and social psychology, and in neuroscience.

Bugg studies the cognitive control and memory processes that support humans’ ability to focus attention in the face of distraction and accomplish goals. Green was one of the developers of the field of behavioral economics, along with conducting long-time research into the science of how humans and animals make decisions.