Cordell Institute appoints new faculty co-director

Washington University in St. Louis’ Cordell Institute for Policy in Medicine & Law announced the appointment of a new faculty co-director from the School of Medicine, Richard Cote, MD, the Edward Mallinckrodt Professor and head of the Department of Pathology & Immunology. The insitute also named Ryan Durrie and Mary Mason as associate directors.

“We are thrilled to welcome these three new members to our team,” said Cordell Institute faculty co-director Neil Richards, the Koch Distinguished Professor in Law. “Their expertise and experience will be invaluable in helping us to advance our mission of promoting ethical and fair health and human information policy.”

The Cordell Institute’s vision is to operate at the nexus of health care information and the law, create and promote world-class scholarship on the regulation and ethical uses of human information in the health care context and beyond, and promote privacy and personal autonomy through policies that ensure the legitimate use of human information through informed consent and its alternatives.