Have a green holiday – reduce energy, recycle lights

To reduce energy during the winter break, follow this checklist created by the Office of Sustainability at Washington University in St. Louis. 

  • Turn off all lights.
  • Close and lock all windows (this creates a better seal to keep drafts out).
  • Lower window treatments and close blinds.
  • Turn off copiers, printers, computers, screens, televisions and other office equipment and appliances; unplug appliances that have lights or fans on after turning off.
  • If you have appliances plugged into a power strip, simply turn off the switch.
  • Turn thermostat down. Depending on the situation, you can go as low as 50 degrees without damaging plants. 
  • Follow office or lab protocols about turning off equipment.

The Office of Sustainability also is hosting its annual holiday lights recycling drive through Feb. 2. Collection bins can be found across the university’s campuses. For locations and more information, visit the Office of Sustainability website.